Cheers to 21 Years: Las Vegas Edition

Your 21st birthday is a milestone of your 20s. You are now legally old enough to engage in 21-year-old shenanigans, and the best place to do it is in Las Vegas! For most the perception of a Las Vegas 21st birthday party looks like a squad having such a wild time that they can’t remember the weekend and loose a guy on the roof. While this may be true in some cases, the media has blown a lot out of proportion when it comes to 21-year old’s and their adventures.

cant%20handle%20this%20gif cant handle this the hangover GIFFirst things first, your entourage. Vegas is a place where you’ll want to bring out friends that will have fun in the scene (Vegas can be overwhelming for some). It’s also important to consider your male to female ratio as a lot of clubs will waive the surcharge depending on this. You’ll also want to have an idea of where/what you want to do as trying to make these decisions while intoxicated will be difficult.

Clubs have waiting lists that just get longer as the night progresses, but you can often bypass this by getting in contact with club promoters beforehand. They can be found on common sites such as Reddit, and make the line at Encore go from two hours to two minutes (and best of all free with the right group ratio)! This bougie lifestyle can go to your head real quick as you walk by all the other peasants in the two hour line at Omnia….or was that just me?

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*bypasses one line*

Whether your crew is looking for something more broke or more bougie, there are many accommodations to choose from on the strip. This also depends on how many people in your party and the amount you are each willing to pay. As a college student, I’m guilty of illegally packing a few extra bodies into a room to bring down the overall price. If you are really #BallinOnABudget it’s also a good idea to stock up on drinks beforehand. Once inside, clubs will charge ridiculously high for drinks made with the cheapest alcohol #exposed. You can also treat yourself to the famous “Fat Tuesday” anywhere along the strip for an average of $12 for a 48oz . In fact, the strip is one of those places with a free wheelin’ open drink policy. It’s also the land of endless buffet options that can keep you eating through the whole day.

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A Fat Tuesday is good any day of the week!

Now that you’ve got your squad all wined, dined, and danced…there’s nothing left than to enjoy all that being 21 in sin city offers. Perhaps you’ll try gambling and discover that you don’t really like losing money (@me). Perhaps you’ll lay by the pool, fall asleep and wake up 50 shades darker #50ShadesofTan (@me). Whatever you do…what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

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